Sensor mit Anschlusskopf Allgemein
These sensors are available with hygienic connections, with a stainless steel protective tube, dead space-free and different heads. Variants can be individually configured. We manufacture according to your individual needs. With hygienic connections for dead space-free installation in critical processes where high media purity is required and good cleanability in the process, e.g. through CIP (cleaning in place) and SIP (sterilization in place). Fast response time depending on version. Measuring insert permanently installed or exchangeable with permanently connected cable, ceramic base or transmitter. Media-contacting and neck tube made of stainless steel, head made of aluminum, stainless steel, PTFE. Process connections such as milk pipe (DIN 11851), GEA Varivent, clamp (DIN 32676), ball weld-in sleeve, etc. Electropolishing optional. All individual components can be individually configured and adapted. Sensor with connecting head – Hygienics
stay clean
at all times! stay clean
at all times!
Applications: Food industry, pharmaceuticals, biotech, and many more. Customized for your requirements
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